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Ingram Micro Hong Kong (Amazon Web Services) - Welcome Partner - Wantech

Ingram Micro Cloud

Updated: Aug 31, 2022

Welcoming our new Amazon Web Services (AWS) Partner: Wantech

Wantech is a company focused on providing new-era cloud based ERP systems for SMEs. They have successfully assisted many companies to customize and implement the ODOO ERP system, the industries including food manufacturing, business centers, storage & logistic centers, IT companies, rranchise management, central procurement & wholesale, professional services, retail & wholesale , Ecommerce, etc.

To better serve SMEs, Wantech's W+ lite offers a simple and value for money all in one system for whatever function you wish to use within your business operation. Their 6 lite packages are the most common functions used by most companies (includes one user license), but you can add on any additional modules you find useful along with the ones included in the package you chose. W+ ERP allows you to go at your own pace, add on more modules later on as your business or requirement grows. Subscribe, read their manuals, and start to digitalize, centralize & automate your business!

Finding an ERP System? Explore now.

Learn more about Wantech :

Ingram Micro AWS Team


📞 (852) 2564 9109


歡迎我們 Amazon Web Service (AWS) 的新合作伙伴: Wantech

Watch是一家專注於為中小企業提供新時代以雲端作基礎的ERP系統的公司。他們成功協助多間公司定制及推行ODOO ERP系統,包括食品製造、商業中心、倉儲及物流中心、資訊科技公司、專營權管理、中央採購及批發、專業服務、零售及批發、電子商務等。

為了更好地服務中小企業,Wantech的W+lite提供了一個簡單且物有所值的系統,能加入所有您希望在業務運營中使用的任何功能。他們的6 lite軟件包是大多數公司使用的最常用功能(包括一個用戶許可證),但您可以添加任何您認為有用的其他模塊以及您選擇的軟件包中包含的模 W+ERP允許您按照自己的節奏進行,隨著業務或需求的增長,再添加更多模塊。訂閱,閱讀他們的手冊,並開始數字化,集中和自動化您的業務!

正尋找一個ERP系統? Wantech或能幫到你。

了解更多Wantech的資訊 :

Ingram Micro AWS 團隊


📞 (852) 2564 9109

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